Alphabet Dice Code - Part 1

I recently came across a video on YouTube by Jim Girouard about fortune telling with dice but instead of numeric dice, alphabet dice are used - Boggle game dice are perfect for this method of probing the divine matrix!

Using alphabet / letters dice in my humble opinion is on the balance of probabilities the purest form of asking the Force / God / Goddess / the Matrix / Pure Energy / Spirit important questions, with tarot or oracle cards you can only pull out or select the card/s that are there, a pendulum can answer your questions but really truly deeply only in the yes vs no format, astrology although very elaborate depends on fixed variables and determinations etc ...

However connecting with the force by allowing it to intimate directly with you through the use of letters AKA words is surely the most highly refined and yet least difficult to influence form of communication between a human being and the matrix

Like many people, I have an appreciation for the beautiful prosaic of the bible, the snippets of writing that are so exquisitely and eloquently put and thus captivate your heart and higher self, for instance in the New Testament John chapter 1 verse 1 we read In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God so there you have it - even the Bible says - that the essence of language is first and foremost the very being of the Alpha!

You probably haven't heard of the alphabet dice code up until now but to wage a bet, you've probably heard about the Bible code discovered and made famous by Michael Drosnin. To cut a long story short for hundreds of years it was suspected that the Bible originally written in the Hebrew language had codes therein, particularly because it was instructed from generation to generation that the text was to be copied word for word - it was to remain unaltered.

Obviously in the age of computer intelligence it's possible to find codes in the Bible (and other non religious books such as Moby Dick) and indeed many a code has been found in the Bible, for instance it warned of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (unfortunately he was assassinated) and reference to the sinking of the Titanic can be found and even Barak Obama is mentioned too!

There's more than enough evidence to conclude that the Bible code is a quantifiable phenomenon, it's a living energy that one can rationally assume knows all there has ever been, all that is and all that will ever be... That is why I'm so excited to have stumbled upon the fortune telling with dice video by Jim Girouard because surely the alphabet dice code is a first or second cousin of the Bible code! which for your interest consideration and contemplation you can watch below!

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"God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone but also on trees and in the flowers and clouds and stars" Martin Luther

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