Alphabet Dice Code - Part 2

MOVE ACROSS In my last post I talked about the alphabet dice code and if you've already read or listened to the post, you might just agree with me, when I say that the alphabet code is a relative of the Bible code!

In case you don't know what the Bible code is, simply put, hidden messages have been and can be found in the Bible using equidistant letter sequences or ELS for short, so from the starting point of any letter you would then skip until you arrived @ the 20th letter, then you would skip again another 20 letters and so on and then a code or message can be found, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally and sometimes messages in the Bible code are found to intersect each other. 

I've always been very fascinated by the Bible code due to the fact the many books of the Bible were written thousands of years ago and yet the codes they contain therein predicts accurate occurrences in the near past - it tells us Edison Electricity  Light Bulb  Edison made public his invention of the electricity light bulb in 1879. 


Also for instance the Bible code refers to the John F Kennedy assassination - a code in the Bible tells us "John Kennedy Executed" and the Bible code also goes on to say "They Killed Kennedy" JFK was assassinated  in 1963 and as one would expect and more recently the late great and still very beloved Princess Diana 1961 - 1997 is mentioned in the Bible code too

In Jim Giroaurds second video (embedded under this paragraph) about his system of fortune telling with dice, he goes on to describe how very accurate the (Boggle game) alphabet dice have been in answering his questions, Jim says "Every time I asked a question that I was getting words that pertained to the answer". He also explains why he prefers to use dice as opposed to an ouija board, which lets face it can be manipulated by the conscious, subconscious or even super subconscious mind, furthermore there's a stigma attached to ouija boards and of course scrabble tiles could be used but letters on six sided cubes and shaken and thrown/cast by hand cannot be influenced and manipulated. 

After watching the second video of Jims,  I was filled with an overwhelming sense of excitement and intrigue, could this be a manual - do it by dice - method of seeking answers to questions? using the same or similar energy to that of the Bible code?

Immediately I decided to buy a set of 16 Boggle dice /alphabet dice and in the meantime over the next few days I continued to watch all of Jim's video's about using the alphabet dice ...

A few days later a package arrived for me in the post and needless to say it was the Boggle alphabet dice game! I hastily set about opening it up, my hands were shaking with anticipation, yay hooray, I managed to cut and tear away the parcel paper and sellotape, I inhaled a deep breathe and exhaled, then smiled and lifted the lid off the Boggle game ....

To be continued ...

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"If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love" Princess Diana

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