Is Love On The Cards?

@ various stages during our adult lives we have a strong desire to ask is love on the cards because we may find ourselves experiencing single-hood. For some people this state of not being in a romantic sexual relationship can feel liberating, especially if such a union has run its natural course and as a consequence has recently ended, it's as though you can breathe a big sigh of relief obviously tarnished with some understandable upset disappointment  and even regret, after all it's always a very emotional roller coaster of all sorts of different feelings when love breaks down ... 

Or it may be that you've been single for quite some time, perhaps a serious relationship ended over a year ago, or maybe you are still quite young and the relationships you've had have only been temporary, fleeting and non consequential, there is too the possibility that you've never had a sexual or romantic love relationship before ...

For whatever reason/s that you're single, it can be and is perfectly natural to experience bouts of uncertainty and anxiety about the future, your future and even more specifically your future love life or to put a finer point on it, is love in the cards?

Now this is where fortune tellers and angel / oracle / tarot card readers who use cards and other oracles as an aid for counselling their querents and clients, come in to the equation - because if you ask, the answer must be found - and for love specific questions sometimes the best place to look for the answer = where the answer can be given AKA any place a light worker can be found! after all you can only ask is love on the cards with a high expectancy of receiving a valid answer some place where there are cards that pertain to love!!!

In this day and age, it doesn't take very long @ all to find a fortune teller, angel card reader or oracle and or tarot reader, one doesn't even need to peruse the pages of a phone directory or magazine, many fortune tellers and card readers can be found by entering a relevant search term in a search engine, just Google me and I'll be there! So by clicking on whatever comes up, it's so easy peasy to book a session with a cartomancist!

So lets assume that you took the plunge and you had a reading - namely to ask and see is love in the cards and perhaps the two of cups, the lovers, yes, union, dating queen, courting man, dating, passion and true love etc appeared in the reading along with other fortuitous cards @ the same sitting - you feel over the moon and giddy with the exciting prospect of Mr Right making an entrance in to your life.

Now this is where everything gets a little bit Sliding Doors - seen the film? - makes you think doesn't it? 

Scenario i - The cards don't predict love & love doesn't happen

It's 6 - 12 months later and that lady you had an angel card reading with, Ruby Red or Ruby something (she was wearing a blue dress) was correct, you asked is love on the cards but love just wasn't on the cards and yes although your life is back on track, you've managed to catch up on friendships that perhaps you'd neglected, you've managed to bag yourself a dream job and you're looking and feeling healthier than you have for years - despite these brilliant life advances, you are still very much waiting for your Mr Right ... 

Scenario ii - The cards don't predict love & love happens

It's 6 - 12 months later and you still remember the reading you had with Ruby Romina (she was wearing a navy pinstripe dress). @ the start of the reading you asked is love in the cards during the reading the cards didn't predict love or a lover, you were sorely disappointed, you so wanted the cards to depict love but not even one card out of five showed any prospect of love in your near future - but he's here!!! You are no longer single, you're in the lovey dovey stages of a new and blossoming relationship with the Mr Right that til now you longed for ...      

Scenario iii - The cards predict love and it doesn't happen

It's 6 - 12 months later and life is ok, that fortune teller woman (in the black and gold dress) what was her name, I think it was Ruby, you made your inquiry about love clear, you asked is love on the cards and you felt so elated when the cards foretold that the love of your life would soon manifest in your life. But months and months have passed, it will be a year to the day tomorrow since you had the reading but where the heck is he?

Scenario iv - The cards predict love and it happens

It's 6 - 12 months later and yay, hooray, life is good, that oracle woman (in the leopard print dress) what was her name, oh that's it Ruby Romina, was right, no more to the point the cards were right! You asked is love in the cards and yes it is. He's here right now, your Mr Right is sitting down, in front of the telly and you're looking @ him with a big smile on your face as he roars with laughter @ Mrs Browns Boys and you laugh @ him laughing - because you're so truly madly deeply in love, you're so deliriously, deliciously, hilariously happy, you knew it was only a matter of time before the absolute love of your life turned up ...   

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The above different realities show there can be a few different outcomes when having a love themed angel, oracle or tarot card reading and the conclusion I wish to draw upon is, that despite whether a reading shows if love is on the cards or not, if we really truly desire an intimate love relationship it's important to understand that you tend to attract the cards and other oracle tools that you are resonating and vibrating with @ the time of reading. 

Unfortunately this works to the negative as well as the positive, perhaps for a few days, weeks or even months before the reading you were feeling rather downtrodden about your love life or lack thereof and as a consequence by the law of attraction you attracted the very cards which showed a lack of a love life and lover and because this was how you were already feeling, the universe continued to give you what you were and are feeling when it comes to romance and matters of the heart (scenario i).

Even if the cards don't reveal to you a lover during the reading, you're perhaps so excited @ the prospect of a lover that you're in perfect harmony with the frequency of love, sex and romance, perhaps despite the fact that it didn't seem that love was in the cards you kept on smiling and believing in love, maybe you took conscious positive action and started going out with your friends more or maybe you joined a dating website and so because you believed you'd find love, hey presto he turns up in your life (scenario ii).

There's obviously the chance of having a reading where the cards that were drawn showed that love was on the cards but months later there's still no love in sight, perhaps @ the time of the reading you were in a really good and positive vibrational space and so the love related cards surfaced during the consultation but without being too conscious of it, bit by bit over the last year your thoughts and feelings that relate to love have dropped to a more negative frequency (scenario iii)

Lastly there's the eventuality of positive more favourable to romance cards appearing in the spread - because you're already in alignment with love and romance and so therefore as if by magic/k your Mr Right makes his way in to your life (scenario iv)

Remember though, that it's never too late to become mindful of your thoughts and feelings and therefore tap into the wonderful fourth dimension where all things and above all - love is possible - whether it's in the cards or not ... 

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the game" Randy Pausch

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